App ML- referentie

AppML HTML-kenmerken


<div appml-include-html="inc_header.htm"></div>

<table appml-data="customers.js" appml-controller="myController">
  <tr appml-repeat="records">

<div appml-include-html="inc_footer.htm"></div>
Attribute Description Explained
appml-controller Defines an AppML controller AppML Controllers
appml-data Defines the data source for an application AppML Data
appml-include-html Defines HTML to be included AppML Includes
appml-repeat Defines an HTML element to be repeated AppML Howto



function myController($appml) {
    if ($appml.message == "display") {
        if ($ == "CustomerName") {
            $appml.display.value = $appml.display.value.toUpperCase();
Message Sent
ready After AppML is initiated, and ready to load data.
loaded After AppML is fully loaded, ready to display data.
display Before AppML displays a data item.
done After AppML is done (finished displaying).
submit Before AppML submits data.
error After AppML has encountered an error.

AppML-berichten worden uitgelegd in het hoofdstuk over AppML-berichten .



"security": "admin",
"rowsperpage" : 10,

"database": {
    "connection": "mysql",
    "sql"       : "SELECT * FROM Customers",
    "orderby"   : "CustomerName"}},

"filteritems" : [
    {"item" : "CustomerName", "label" : "Customer"},
    {"item" : "City"},
    {"item" : "Country"}],

"sortitems" : [
    {"item" : "CustomerName", "label" : "Customer"},
    {"item" : "City"},
    {"item" : "Country"}]


Element Description
"data" Defines a flat file source for the model
"database" Defines a database source for the model
"filteritems" Defines filter restrictions
"rowsperpage" Defines number of rows to be fetched per page
"security" Defines the security for the model
"sortitems" Defines sorting restrictions


U moet ingelogd zijn als lid van de "admin"-groep om toegang te krijgen tot deze applicatie:


"security": "admin",
"database": {
    "connection": "mysql",
    "sql"       : "SELECT * FROM Customers",
    "orderby"   : "CustomerName"}

Privé modellen

U kunt uw eigen privégegevens aan het model toevoegen.

Dit voorbeeld suggereert beperkingen voor gegevens:


"restrictions" : {
    "fname" : {"maxlength": 40},
    "price" : {"max": 999,"min": 100}

Modelgegevens kunnen worden gebruikt door servertoepassingen en door uw AppML-controller.

In dit voorbeeld worden modelgegevens gebruikt om invoer te valideren:


function myController($appml) {
    if ($appml.message == "submit") {
        var price = document.getElementById("price").value;
        if (price < $appml.model.restrictions.price.min) {
            $appml.displayError(15, "Price too low!");