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PHP mysqli refresh() Functie

❮ PHP mysqli-referentie

Definitie en gebruik

De functie refresh() / mysqli_refresh() vernieuwt/flusht tabellen of caches, of stelt de informatie van de replicatieserver opnieuw in.


Objectgeoriënteerde stijl:

$mysqli -> refresh(options)

Procedurele stijl:

mysqli_refresh(connection, options)


Parameter Description
connection Required. Specifies the MySQL connection to use
options The options to refresh. Can be one of more of the following (separated by OR):
  • MYSQLI_REFRESH_GRANT - Refreshes the grant tables
  • MYSQLI_REFRESH_LOG - Flushes the logs
  • MYSQLI_REFRESH_TABLES - Flushes the table cache
  • MYSQLI_REFRESH_HOSTS - Flushes the host cache
  • MYSQLI_REFRESH_STATUS - Resets the status variables
  • MYSQLI_REFRESH_THREADS - Flushes the thread cache
  • MYSQLI_REFRESH_SLAVE - Resets the master server info, and restarts the slave
  • MYSQLI_REFRESH_MASTER - Removes the binary log files in the binary log index, and truncates the index file

Technische details

Winstwaarde: WAAR op succes. ONWAAR bij fout
PHP-versie: 5.3+

❮ PHP mysqli-referentie