HTML Audio/Video DOM textTracks Eigenschap

❮ HTML Audio/Video DOM-referentie


Het aantal beschikbare teksttracks ophalen:

var vid = document.getElementById("myVideo");

Definitie en gebruik

De eigenschap textTracks retourneert een TextTrackList-object.

Het TextTrackList-object vertegenwoordigt de beschikbare teksttracks voor de audio/video.

Elk beschikbaar tekstspoor wordt vertegenwoordigd door een TextTrack-object.


De getallen in de tabel geven de eerste browserversie aan die de eigenschap volledig ondersteunt.

textTracks Yes 10.0 33.0 6.0 Yes




Type Description
TextTrackList Object Represents the available text tracks for the the audio/video.

TextioTrackList Object:

  • length - get the number of text tracks available in the audio/video
  • [index] - get TextTrack object by index

Note: The first available TextTrack object is index 0

TextTrack Object Represents an text track.

TextTrack Object Properties:

  • kind - get the type of the text track (can be: "subtitles", "caption", "descriptions", "chapters", or "metadata")
  • label - get the label of the text track
  • language - get the language of the text track
  • mode - get or set if the track is active ("disabled"|"hidden"|"showing")
  • cues - get a list of cues as a TextTrackCueList object
  • activeCues - get the currently active text track cues as a TextTrackCueList object
  • addCue(cue) - add a cue to the list of cues
  • removeCue(cue) - remove a cue from the list of cues

❮ HTML Audio/Video DOM-referentie